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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "You Are My Glory", Pan Yueming attracted the attention of many netizens as soon as he appeared on the stage. He is a powerful actor. He has performed well in many film and television dramas since his debut. This time he plays Guan Zai in the play. He is a colleague of Yu Tu, the actor played by Yang Yang, and he is also an aerospace designer. Although Guan Zai is not the protagonist, he is also very attractive. However, the fate of Guan Zai was quite miserable. He even fainted during a business trip, and it was found out that he was ill. So what happened to Guan Zai in "You Are My Glory"? What was his final outcome? Was he cured?

It is reported that Guan Zai suffered from stomach cancer. As an aerospace worker, Guan Zai worked very hard. He often had to turn around and sometimes couldn’t eat several meals. I can't bear it mentally. When Guan Zai and Yu Tu went on a business trip to Xi'an, he was always dizzy and sleepy. At first, everyone thought he hadn't woken up, but later Guan Zai passed out directly, and his colleagues realized that things were not that simple.

However, Guan Zai's dizziness was not caused by illness. Instead, the dizziness reminded Guan Zai. This was detected when his gastric cancer was in the early stage and had not metastasized. There is a high probability of recovery. The locked-up wife was very worried about him, but she didn't dare to show it. She could only secretly grieve alone. After Yu Tu saw it, she felt very sorry for them. The audience is also very worried about Guan Zai. Although he is not the protagonist, he is also very charming and has quickly gained everyone's love.

Although the TV series has not been updated yet, Guan Zai’s illness in the original book has been cured, and he often bickers with Qiao Jingjing. Everyone is relieved after knowing that Guan Zai is fine. The process is cruel and the ending is happy. Well, Guan Zai is a good person, works hard, and cares for his family, but because of his work, he rarely has time to accompany them, and Guan Zai feels very guilty. Presumably after this incident, Guan Zai should spare more time. time to spend with family.