据哈哈娱乐网网站「相思赋予谁」消息,近日,拜托快结婚吧安安是谁的孩子 苏沐宸叶弦歌是安安父母吗引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。






【英文介绍/For English】:

"Please, get married!" " is a web drama adapted from the comic "Adorable Baby: Where's Mommy, My Daddy?" It tells the story of Ye Xiange, a trainee who has a star dream, and Su Muchen, the president of an entertainment company, who met and fell in love. Dear son, what's the matter? Whose child is An An, and why does he regard Su Muchen and Ye Xiange as his parents? And the police could not find out who his biological parents were.

An An is indeed the son of Su Muchen and Ye Xiange. He was born in 2024 and is already five years old. That is to say, he traveled from 2029. The story time is set in 2021. At that time, Ye Xiange was still a fledgling practitioner. She wanted to become famous in one fell swoop by participating in the talent show, but was framed by her best friend, her reputation was ruined, and then the contract was terminated by the company.

Ye Xiange had a five-year-old son after experiencing a fire. The little boy called himself An An. He said that he was the child of Ye Xiange and Su Muchen. Su Muchen was the president of the entertainment company. An An racked his brains to get Su Muchen and Ye Xiange together, and with An An's help, Su Muchen and Ye Xiange really fell in love.

Based on An An's age, Ye Xiange and Su Muchen must have gotten together in 2023, got married and had children, and had a lovely son An An. Although An An is not very old, he is very clear that he has traveled from the future. At the beginning, Su Muchen and Ye Xiange didn't take An An's words seriously. After all, they didn't have any intersection before 2021. How could they have such a big son? .

"Please, get married!" "There is no real finale yet, and there will be a second season. The relationship between Su Muchen and Ye Xiange has already heated up. This is due to An An's contribution. I don't know if An An will return to the future world or stay in the world for eight years. Before, or Su Muchen and Ye Xiange will follow An An to 2029. According to the routine of the romantic drama, the three of them will definitely not be separated.