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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Long Wind Crossing" Luo Zishang is the second male lead with a heavy role, played by Liu Xueyi, the audience still recognizes his acting skills very much. The character of Luo Zishang is extremely complicated, and his relationship with the hero is unusual. Let's take a look at Luo Zishang's real life experience.

Luo Zishang is Jiang He's son, and Jiang He is the hero's uncle, so Luo Zishang and the hero are blood cousins. Back then, Jiang He provoked Luo Zishang's mother, and the two dated like lovers in love. After discovering that the two families had a feud, Jiang He abandoned Luo Zishang's mother, and became a man who had always abandoned Luo Zishang.

Luo Zishang's mother was pregnant at that time, and neither of the two families wanted the child to be born. In the end, she gave birth to Luo Zishang despite everything. Luo Zishang lived a life of ups and downs since he was a child. He couldn't escape being labeled as an abandoned baby and a beggar. He was bullied. In order to survive, Luo Zishang was forced to do many bad things.

Luo Zishang was abandoned when he was just born, and his adoptive father was framed and died. He originally wanted to clear up his adoptive father's grievances, but he didn't expect to fall into the trap. Martial arts master study.

Luo Zishang is a person who does whatever it takes to achieve his goals. He is blinded by profit and takes every step of the way, which triggers the rebellion of King Liang, which leads to the relocation of the Gu family to the north and the defeat of the Liu family. Luo Zishang became Wang Shanquan's staff because he wanted to deal with Gu Jiusi, and Gu Jiusi and Luo Zishang had completely opposite backgrounds.

Gu Jiusi is the son of the richest man in Yangzhou. He was well-clothed and well-fed since he was a child, and his parents loved him very much. However, Luo Zishang never enjoyed family affection. He grew up in an environment of being abandoned and hurt, with a dark personality. , paranoia and distortion, in short, the original family has a really great influence on a person.

Luo Zishang wanted to destroy the Gu family and let Gu Jiusi experience the feeling of losing a loved one. He planned carefully and secretly. Fortunately, there was Liu Yuru beside Gu Jiusi. .