据哈哈娱乐网网站「爱你是心」消息,近日,青春须早为是小说改编的吗 郑乾和程心结局怎么样引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。







【英文介绍/For English】:

"Youth Must Be Early" is an entrepreneurial youth drama starring Hu Yitian and Zhong Chuxi. It tells the story of a group of college students headed by male and female protagonists who struggle to start a business after graduation and work hard. So is this drama based on a novel? Who is the author, if any, of the original novel?

The play focuses on how college graduates born in the 1990s struggled for their careers in society. They showed the audience a unique history of entrepreneurial struggles, reflecting the understanding of career and self-positioning of this generation.

In fact, "Youth Must Be Early" was highly anticipated when it was first filmed, and it had a high degree of topicality. It was adapted from Li Xingjian's original novel of the same name. It was published by Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House in 2017. At that time, the novel's topicality was very high. , Li Xingjian graduated from Beijing Film Academy. He himself is a post-90s entrepreneur and is known as "the youngest producer".

"Youth Must Be Early" tells the story of Bai Fumei Cheng Xin and the aspiring young Zheng Qian's career and love experiences. At the university graduation ceremony, Cheng Xin wore a wedding dress and proposed to her boyfriend Zheng Qian, but unexpectedly Zheng Qian refused. Zheng Qian felt that he had no achievements in his career, so he had to let go of the marriage talk.

Cheng Xin wanted Zheng Qian to work in the Cheng Cheng Group, but the arrogant Zheng Qian didn't want to rely on Cheng Xin, so he became a member of the job hunting army. Seeing Zheng Qian's repeated setbacks, Cheng Xin faked an interview , very smoothly left Zheng Qian in the Cheng Group.

Later, Zheng Qian's falsified resume was exposed. Faced with this situation, Zheng Qian resigned resolutely, left Cheng's Group, and set up a creative studio with his good buddies. Soon, the studio gained a certain reputation in the industry. At the same time, the Cheng Group was invaded by Uncle Liang. In order to help Cheng Xin get out of the predicament, Zheng Qiang and others put in a lot of effort. Finally, the Cheng Group returned to Cheng Xin's hands, and she and Zheng Qian finally got together. It's the ending of the novel, I don't know if the ending of the drama version is also like this.