本篇文章给大家谈谈壮志高飞肖默的爸爸是谁 肖默身份背景介绍结局是什么,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。







【英文介绍/For English】:

In "High Aspirations", Xiao Mo became a pilot to fulfill his father's last wish. I wonder who Xiao Mo's father is. Does Xiao Mo have a strong background? It feels like Xiao Mo has a lot of things hidden in his heart, and he is never willing to open his heart to others, so in everyone's impression, Xiao Mo is a taciturn, indifferent and serious person. In fact, this has something to do with his background and growth experience.

Xiao Mo's mother is an elementary school teacher in the town. She hopes that Xiao Mo can bring a girlfriend back. Xiao Mo's father used to be a pilot, so Xiao Mo is very strict with himself. After his father passed away, Xiao Mo became a pilot. Pilot, this is Xiao Mo's father's last wish.

Xiao Mo takes everything seriously, and so does his view of feelings, as long as he likes someone, he will be single-minded. Wu Di is the heroine of this show, she is smart, sharp, talented and beautiful, Xiao Mo has a deep affection for her, Xiao Mo's cousin Hua Xin sees that Xiao Mo really likes Wu Di, she can't help but feel a little worried.

Xiao Mo doesn't have much experience in love, and Hua Xin is worried that he will become a puppet of feelings if he is confused. At that time, if Wu Di thinks that the two are not suitable and wants to break up, Xiao Mo will become very painful.

Xiao Mo has his own opinions on everything, but his feelings caught him off guard, and he didn't know how to maintain his relationship with Wu Di. In order to prevent Xiao Mo from getting too deep, Hua Xin persuaded him many times, and also talked with Wu Di. Talking about Xiao Mo's childhood, I hope Wu Di can take his relationship with Xiao Mo seriously, and don't let Xiao Mo get hurt. For Xiao Mo, Hua Xin can be said to be heartbroken.

The male protagonist Xiao Mo has no strong background. His identity is very simple. He is a child from an ordinary family. His father passed away long ago. He and his mother depend on each other for life. When he grows up, he aspires to be a pilot. Wu Di got acquainted and fell in love. Wu Di wavered between Xiao Mo and Xia Yu. I believe she will make the right choice. In the end, Xiao Mo should be with Wu Di, and Xiao Mo returned to the blue sky again and continued to fly.