据哈哈娱乐网网站「痴人痴梦」消息,近日,历史上有赵孝谦这个人吗 雁归西窗月巨鹿郡王有无原型引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。







【英文介绍/For English】:

The male protagonist Zhao Xiaoqian in "The Goose Returns to the West Window" is the famous Julu County King of Wujiang Mansion. He is arrogant and domineering, and does whatever he wants, but he is kind and upright in his heart and never bullies others. So is there such a person as Zhao Xiaoqian in history? Does the Julu County King really exist? Judging from Zhao Xiaoqian's life experience and experience, he is somewhat similar to Song Yingzong Zhao Shu. I don't know if Zhao Xiaoqian is a character portrayed based on Zhao Shu.

"The Wild Goose Returns to the West Window" mainly tells the complex emotional entanglement between the hero and the heroine. The heroine Xie Xiaoman has an ordinary family background, a straightforward personality, and a strong love and righteousness. After that, Zhao Xiaoqian tried every means to tease Xie Xiaoman, and the two became a happy couple.

Later, Xie Xiaoman was set up to spend the night with Zhao Xiaoqian. Although the two of them did nothing, but the lonely man and widow spent the whole night together, it would definitely be misunderstood. Xiaoman was forced to marry Zhao Xiaoqian as his concubine, and the two became husband and wife when their relationship was not yet stable.

After Xie Xiaoman learned of Zhao Xiaoqian's life experience, she felt sympathy for him, and also understood why Zhao Xiaoqian's character is so annoying. She was willing to heal Zhao Xiaoqian's spiritual trauma and accompany him to face the difficulties and obstacles in the future.

Xie Xiaoman and Zhao Xiaoqian gradually fell in love with each other as they got along day and night, and they fell in love with each other, and finally became a couple of gods and gods. After many people know Zhao Xiaoqian's life experience, they will think of Zhao Zongshi, that is, Song Yingzong Zhao Shu. In history, there was no King Zhao Xiaoqian of Julu County, but there was Zhao Zongshi, Duke of Julu County. Later, Zhao Zongshi succeeded to the throne and became the fifth emperor of the Song Dynasty.

Zhao Zongshi is the son of King Pu, and also the adopted son of Song Renzong Zhao Zhen. He was taken into the palace when he was young, and the emperor raised him as a prince. Zhao Zongshi succeeded to the throne. Zhao Xiaoqian did learn from Zhao Zongshi in some places, but he is not Zhao Zongshi, and he doesn't know what the final outcome will be.