







【英文介绍/For English】:

Is Tu Ling Guan Ning's daughter?

Tu Ling is not Guan Ning's daughter. Both Tu Ling and Guan Ning are characters in "Assassination of Novelists". Guan Ning is a killer who is willing to give everything in order to find his daughter who was abducted by human traffickers. A sum of money to find his daughter.

Six years ago, Guan Ning's daughter, Xiaojuzi, disappeared. He took on the task of assassinating a novelist, with the purpose of going to the North Pole to find her daughter. Red Army.

Many people suspect that Tu Ling is Guan Ning's daughter. Tu Ling is a villain thug. She was abandoned by her parents since she was a child. Later, she became a very cruel person. She absolutely obeyed the orders given by her boss. In the end, Tu Ling knew that the boss killed her. If he betrayed Lu Kongwen's father, he betrayed the boss.

Tu Ling and Guan Ning are not father and daughter. Tu Ling didn't want to assassinate the novelist with his own hands, so he found Guan Ning and told Guan Ning that as long as he killed the novelist, he would be rewarded generously. In the end, Guan Ning didn't kill the novelist, but went to Find the truth.

Why is the heroine of the assassination novelist a villain

Many people are very curious and want to know why the heroine of "Assassination of Novelists" is a villain? What is the significance of such a setting, and what kind of person is Tu Ling?