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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Li Ge Xing", Sheng Chumu fell in love with Fu Rou at first sight, and made a lot of efforts to catch up with her. Although Sheng Chumu was rejected many times at the beginning, in the process of getting along, Fu Rou gradually saw Sheng Chumu's love. Chu Mu has many advantages, she really likes Sheng Chumu, but it is a pity that the two of them are not so easy to get together, Fu Rou entered the palace and became a female official for various reasons, and there is a lot more between her and Sheng Chumu Moreover, in the recently aired plot, the two of them had a quarrel, which made the audience very anxious, wondering when Fu Rou and Sheng Chumu will reconcile? Let's find out if Fu Rou and Sheng Chumu can be together in the end!

It is reported that the conflict between Sheng Chumu and Fu Rou was mainly provoked by King Zhou. King Zhou liked Fu Rou, but the person Fu Rou liked was Sheng Chumu. King Zhou let go once. I hope Sheng Chumu and Fu Rou can Happiness, but later he found that he still couldn't let go of Fu Rou, so King Zhou made a move. King Zhou threatened Fu Rou to go back to Chang'an with the elopement of the female officer and the general. Sheng Chumu happened to see Fu Rou get into King Zhou's carriage. Under King Zhou's deliberate arrangement, Fu Rou had no time to explain to Sheng Chumu, so Sheng Chumu Chu Mu thought that Fu Rou didn't want her anymore, so she misunderstood Fu Rou, but Fu Rou didn't know about it.

Then Sheng Chumu made a great contribution. Everyone thought he wanted the emperor to give him and Fu Rou a marriage, but Sheng Chumu didn't do that, but invited him to the frontier, which disappointed Fu Rou very much. In fact, Sheng Chumu was still angry with Fu Rou at this time, so he did this on purpose. Afterwards, Lian Yaner ran out of Sheng's mansion to give Sheng Chumu a purse, and Fu Rou happened to see it. Fu Rou misunderstood their relationship, and Sheng Chumu didn't want to explain to Fu Rou because he was angry. These things were deliberately done by King Zhou. He picked it up, he just didn't want Fu Rou and Sheng Chumu to be together.

Then Concubine Han and Sheng Chuling died tragically. Sheng Chumu wanted to kill the princess to avenge them, but was stopped by Fu Rou. Sheng Chumu was heartbroken again. He felt that Fu Rou was helping his enemy. Although she killed her older sister and younger brother, Fu Rou kept protecting the princess and prevented herself from killing her.