最近有很多热心网友都十分关心理想照耀中国章华妹原型人物介绍 小纽扣承载着大梦想这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「柚子味的诗」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。









【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Ideal Shines on China", the protagonist of each unit story has a prototype. The fourth unit is a story with Zhang Huamei as the core character. Zhang Huamei is played by Zhang Jingyi. From the perspective of age and image, Zhang Jingyi is really suitable for Zhang Huamei. Role.

Zhang Huamei is from Wenzhou. Due to her financial difficulties and many brothers and sisters, Zhang Huamei secretly set up a street stall on Jiefang North Road to sell buttons. She has a special affection for buttons and feels that these buttons carry her dreams.

The background of the story is 1980. At that time, the state was cracking down on speculation. Zhang Huamei had to hide from the law enforcement officers if she wanted to sell buttons. Otherwise, the buttons would be confiscated, which would be her loss.

In order to sell buttons, Zhang Huamei walked around the streets and ate steamed buns and coriander when she was hungry. She also made a record on the wall. Zhang Huamei had a dream in her heart. She hoped that one day she could open a daily necessities store. I went out to sell buttons every day.

Later, when Zhang Huamei was selling buttons, someone reported her. The law enforcement officers chased after her, and the buttons were scattered into the river.

Not long after, the central government issued an order to conduct a pilot project in Wenzhou, allowing individual businesses to do business. Zhang Huamei seized the opportunity and was the first to apply for a business license at the entrance of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. From then on, Zhang Huamei could sell buttons openly.

Zhang Huamei is a character that exists in reality. She was born in Wenzhou in 1961. She is the first self-employed businessman in China. Zhang Huamei was good at management since she was a child. Before liberation, Zhang Huamei's father was in the cloth business. Obviously Zhang Huamei inherited her father's business talent and started a small business.

Zhang Huamei was only 21 years old when she got her business license. Since then, Zhang Huamei has become her own boss. After getting married, Zhang Huamei took care of her brother's business. After she had a child, she decided to go it alone. In this way, Zhang Huamei gradually became a prestigious businessman. No matter how many years, Zhang Huamei always felt that she was a self-employed person.