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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "The Little Wu Zuo of Yu Yu", Xiao Heng is the father of Xiao Jinyu, the husband of Princess Xiping, and the concubine of the court. He is also the god catcher of the six doors, very powerful, but it is such a person who is being sent to the southwest to suppress the rebellion Later, news of the mutiny came out, and then he fell off a cliff, and his life and death were unknown. There has been no news of Xiao Heng in these years, everyone thought he was dead, but Xiao Jinyu felt that something strange happened back then, so is Xiao Heng dead in "The Little Book of Yuci"? What exactly happened to Xiao Heng back then, let us find out together!

It is reported that Xiao Heng did not die back then, he fell off a cliff, escaped Qin Luan's persecution by chance, and got his life back. Afterwards, Xiao Heng changed his name and surname, and lived in secret all the time. At the same time, he became Chu Chu's master, He has been imparting all kinds of knowledge to her. Xiao Heng was very kind to Chu Chu, and gave Chu Chu the token of love between himself and Princess Xiping, that is, the pendant, which Princess Xiping also had, so Xiao Jinyu was so surprised when she saw Chu Chu take out this pendant, Chu Chu has this Zhuizi, that is to say, she has a connection with her father. When Chu Chu was born, it had been a long time since Xiao Heng fell off the cliff. Xiao Jinyu suddenly had hope in her heart, which meant that her father might not be dead.

Therefore, Xiao Jinyu launched an investigation, hoping to find out the whereabouts of his father and the truth about what happened back then. In the end, Xiao Heng and Xiao Jinyu met each other. The father and son finally met after so many years, but they did not enjoy the tender time of their father for a long time. Xiao Heng also failed to see Xiao Jinyu and Chu Chu get married. Luan sent someone to arrest him again.

Qin Luan wanted to know from Xiao Heng where the Anshi Rebellion and the treasures lost in Chang'an treasury were buried, but no matter how tortured Xiao Heng was, he didn't reveal a single word. In the end, he sank himself into the pond and drowned in the water. When Xiao Jinyu and Chu Chu saw Xiao Heng's body being carried up, they were very sad, and Xiao Heng finally left them forever.