最近有很多热心网友都十分关心汪楚祺为什么是灰色眼睛 他的身世之谜真相是什么这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「゛农村范ルヾ」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。





【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Secret Visitor", Wang Chuqi is the son of Mr. Wang and Zhang Xiaoxue. Zhang Xiaoxue committed suicide shortly after giving birth to Wang Chuqi, leaving Mr. Wang alone with the child. Mr. Wang was very kind to Wang Chuqi, but the audience noticed something was wrong because Wang Chuqi's eyes were gray. Both Mr. Wang and Zhang Xiaoxue are Chinese, with black hair and black eyes. Why are their children born like this? Is there any secret about Wang Chuqi's life experience? Why does Wang Chuqi have gray eyes? There is a special reason for this, let's take a look!

It is reported that the reason why Wang Chuqi has gray eyes is because he is not Mr. Wang's biological son, but the child of Mr. Wang's good friends Roy and Zhang Xiaoxue. But Zhang Xiaoxue didn't know about it, because Wang Chuqi was born as a test-tube baby by Mr. Wang and Zhang Xiaoxue. Zhang Xiaoxue didn't love Mr. Wang. They were just good friends. Zhang Xiaoxue did him a favor by marrying Mr. Wang, because Mr. Wang was Homosexuality, and the Wang family, which has a large family and business, does not allow the heir to be gay. Mr. Wang can't hold back the family, so he can only give up his lover Roy and return to the family to inherit the family business. He also married and had children under the arrangement of the family.

Zhang Xiaoxue thought that she and Mr. Wang's child was born, but when the child was born, she saw that the child's eyes were gray, so she knew that things were not so simple. My own sperm was replaced by Roy's. This is also the reason why Mr. Wang loves Wang Chuqi so much, because he is the child of his beloved. Although it is impossible for Mr. Wang and Roy to be together, he raised Roy's child, which is like their son.

But Zhang Xiaoxue couldn't accept this fact, and finally chose to commit suicide. Mr. Wang was also very surprised when he heard the news. He didn't expect that this incident would cause such a big blow to Zhang Xiaoxue. Therefore, Mr. Wang left behind Zhang Xiaoxue's daughter, Wang Chutong, and kept her by his side. Mr. Wang loved Wang Chuqi very much and gave him the best things, but later Wang Chuqi died in a car accident. Mr. Wang refused sadly. He thought it was the crime committed by the school bus driver Yu Zuiqiao, so he wanted to take revenge on him .