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【英文介绍/For English】:

The movie "I Love You" mainly revolves around the love story of two old couples. Among them, the living conditions of Xie Dingshan and Zhao Huanxin are tear-jerking. , do they have a happy ending?

Xie Dingshan and Zhao Huanxin are an elderly couple. They have lived together for forty-five years, married and had children, and raised them to adulthood. However, in their later years, they had to face their children's recklessness and indifference. Zhao Huanxin was tortured by illnesses , Xie Dingshan not only has to take care of his family but also takes care of his wife. Their life is very difficult.

Why did Xie Dingshan and his wife rely on collecting waste products? They lived in a crude truck and barely survived. At this time, Zhao Huanxin's health problems continued to worsen. They also sold the waste products that had been treasured for many years, but this did not relieve Zhao Huanxin's pain. Her physical condition was getting worse day by day.

However, fate is always unfair. A car accident made the lives of Xie Dingshan and Zhao Huanxin worse. Xie Dingshan was hit hard, and finally he and Zhao Huanxin came to the end of their lives and both died.

After Xie Dingshan and Zhao Huanxin left, their son held a big birthday banquet and pretended to be a filial son. Watching this scene, Chang Weijie was very sad and angry, and accused Xie's family of hypocrisy and unfilialism. The unicorn whip made a big fuss at the birthday banquet. He threw a total of nine whips. The first three whips were unkind and unrighteous and arrogant, and the words of profit were a shame. The repeated whips were heartless and unfilial sons. The last three lashes were for erecting a torii with hypocrisy, with affection on the face and coldness in the belly.

Chang Weijie felt worthless for Xie Dingshan and his wife. The child raised so hard turned into a white-eyed wolf, completely disregarding the life and death of his parents. He even pretended to be a dutiful son and held a big birthday banquet. Hateful indeed.