最近有很多热心网友都十分关心小舍得欢欢初潮怎么回事 原来欢欢身体不适是这个原因这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「听雨轩」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。





【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Little Willingness", Huanhuan thought that the relationship between her academic performance and her mother became more and more tense, and even broke up after eating New Year's Eve dinner. Huanhuan and her mother are no longer as close as before. I don't understand why my mother became like this, my previous mother loved Huanhuan very much. This also caused Huanhuan to feel unwell and would rather look up the reason on the Internet than tell her mother. As a result, Huanhuan thought she had the new crown, but in fact she was just menstruating. What happened to Huanhuan's menarche in "Little Willingness", and why did Huanhuan think that menstruation in the future is a new crown?

It is reported that Huanhuan is menstruating for the first time. She has never experienced this kind of thing before, so it is normal not to know. Nan Li also does not know that Huanhuan is menstruating at this time. Huanhuan is not feeling well and did not tell Nan Li Huanhuan was very scared, thinking that she had been recruited, and ran away from home by herself in order not to infect her mother. Nan Li finally found Huanhuan. The two quarreled in the rain at first. Later, Huanhuan told the real reason, which scared Nan Li enough. Become a big girl.

Nan Li hurriedly educated Huanhuan about the science, and only then did Huanhuan know that the reason for her discomfort was due to menstruation. The stalemate relationship between the mother and daughter was gradually eased because of this incident. Huanhuan always thought that her mother didn't love herself anymore, and that she loved her daughter with good academic performance, but in fact Nan Li loved Huanhuan, she just didn't want to Huanhuan's future life and work were forced to stop because of her academic qualifications. Nan Li had already suffered a loss in her academic qualifications. She didn't want her daughter to experience such a thing.

Huanhuan is still young and doesn’t understand the deep love of his parents for him. They think more about their children than we think. The scene of Huanhuan and Nanli hugging in the rain touched countless audiences. The scene was too good to cry.