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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Ah Cradle" is about the story of the Yan'an Nursery School during the War of Resistance Against Japan, so it has a sense of age in terms of picture quality and character image, so when was this drama filmed? The cast is strong, including young actors with good acting skills such as Hai Qing and Li Zefeng, and excellent new-generation actors such as Zhou Ye and Xu Shaoying, so I am looking forward to the plot of this drama.

"Ah Cradle" was filmed in 2020. It was adapted from a true story. The protagonist Chou Zigang was ordered to serve as the dean of the Yan'an Nursery School. He was played by Hai Qing. The actors came to take a group photo, and the children were all around Haiqing, and the picture was very warm.

I really want to know what role Zhou Ye played in this drama. Zhou Ye has very good resources. She has participated in many main theme works such as "Chinese Doctor", "Railway Hero" and "Our Southwest Associated University". The characters are full of positive energy. This time Zhou also played Tang Susu in "Ah Cradle", a "parent" in the nursery school. She grew up with the children step by step and became a qualified revolutionary fighter.

Tang Susu kept in mind what the director, Chou Zigang, said, and took the child's life as his own, and even if he sacrificed himself, he must protect the child. Chou Zigang is real. I don’t know if Tang Susu also has a prototype character, and some are nursery staff who fight side by side with Chou Zigang.

In 1946, affected by the war, the nursery had to be evacuated from Yan'an. Chou Zigang led all the staff to safely evacuate the children to Pingshan, Hebei. There were no children casualties in the process. This task was very difficult, but Chou Zigang and others did not flinch. It is to transfer the child safely, not only Chou Zigang, but all staff involved in this task should be respected.

This Yan'an nursery school is the place where many descendants of the revolution lived, and they grew up healthy and happy here, which was achieved by many revolutionary workers.