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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Godzilla vs. King Kong" tells the war between Godzilla and King Kong. Not long after the movie started, there was a battle between Godzilla and King Kong on the sea. Many people were curious and wanted to know why Godzilla would What about playing King Kong? Did the two of them have any holidays before? Godzilla and King Kong fought a total of three times, but in the end the two behemoths shook hands and made peace. This development can be said to be very dramatic.

It is reported that the reason why Godzilla wants to fight King Kong is because one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Godzilla defeated several giant beasts in the first and second parts. They are all very high in the ranking of monsters in the world. In the ending of the second part, Godzilla also ushered in the surrender of all beasts, but the only exception was King Kong. King Kong did not recognize Godzilla as the boss, and King Kong himself was also very powerful. Godzilla wanted King Kong to surrender. That's why I took the initiative to find King Kong, and wanted to compete with King Kong.

However, after knowing Godzilla's intentions, the Emperor Organization hid it in order to protect King Kong. They established an observation point on Skull Island. Although King Kong couldn't get out of this big hood, the environment on the island was very suitable for King Kong to live in. , the people in the Emperor Organization are kind and don’t want King Kong to die in the hands of Godzilla, but King Kong doesn’t want to be locked up here forever. The inner world is looking for its real home. During this process, King Kong needs to come out of the protective cover. Godzilla sensed King Kong’s position and came over immediately. The two giant beasts fought a battle on the sea, but because the sea is not King Kong’s home field , so King Kong lost the first battle.

Later, King Kong got a magical battle ax in the inner world of the earth. With this ax, King Kong won the second battle, but in the end King Kong was still unable to resist the power of Godzilla, and King Kong had no choice but to admit defeat when he was stepped on by Godzilla. , but in the end the two behemoths reconciled, and they defeated Mechanical Godzilla together. Because of this incident, Godzilla no longer rejected King Kong, and they were reconciled.