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【英文介绍/For English】:

Guo Sanshuang played by Bai Jingting in "Eight Zero Nine Zero" is very different from the roles he has played in the past. Judging from the plots of the previous episodes, Guo Sanshuang's character design is not very pleasing. The store manager extended his "magic claws" to the elderly in the nursing home. Guo Sanshuang lived with his grandfather since he was a child, and he never went to college. It can't help but make people wonder where his parents have gone. I feel that Guo Sanshuang's life experience is quite pitiful.

Guo Sanshuang is a gold medal salesman of a health care product sales company. Every time a mobilization meeting is held, Guo Sanshuang is very active and shouts loud slogans. A group of elderly people listened to his speech. In order to sell more health care products, Guo Sanshuang spit lotus flowers at the mouth and told the "value of life" to the old people. He deceived the old people around and couldn't listen to other people's persuasion at all. From this point of view, Guo Sanshuang is really annoying, how can it brainwash the elderly?

As the male lead, Guo Sanshuang should not be so unbearable. In the early stage, Guo Sanshuang really deserves to be beaten. At best, he is eloquent, but at worst, he is cheating. Later, Guo Sanshuang should change, because he I live with my grandfather, have never been to college, are not very knowledgeable, and lack some correct guidance in moral concepts, so I feel that as long as I can earn money, I am better than anything else.

Judging from the clips, Guo Sanshuang has a bad relationship with his parents. It should be that his parents divorced and then threw him to the old man. Guo Sanshuang hasn’t seen his parents for a long time, and he doesn’t know where his parents are now. On the surface, Guo Sanshuang is a cynical and idle person, but in fact he is delicate, optimistic about life, patient and persistent.

Guo Sanshuang's initial character image of being idle and glib is related to his growth experience and career. Since meeting Ye Xiaomei, Guo Sanshuang's three views have been gradually corrected. I believe that in the end, Guo Sanshuang will become a very excellent people.