最近有很多热心网友都十分关心八月未央小乔知道真相吗 小乔怎么知道朝颜未央在一起的这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「清晨┆一只鹿」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。





【英文介绍/For English】:

In "August is Young", Xiao Qiao and Wei Young were originally good friends. At the same time, Xiao Qiao also has a boyfriend Chaoyan who has been in love for ten years. The two have a very good relationship. Xiao Qiao often fantasizes about her happy life after marrying Chaoyan. Although Xiao Qiao's parents separated when she was very young, Xiao Qiao still believes in love, while Wei Young's experience with Xiao Qiao is the same, but her attitude towards love is completely different from Xiao Qiao's. This is also the reason why Wei Young was able to stay with Chaoyan behind Xiao Qiao's back. Many people wonder if Xiao Qiao knows the truth in "August Wei Young"? Wei Young and Chao Yan thought they were hiding it well, but in fact Xiao Qiao already knew about their relationship.

At first, Xiao Qiao didn't know that Wei Young and Chao Yan were secretly together, but she realized it later. From Xiao Qiao's eyes, she could see that she had actually discovered the good things Wei Young and Chao Yang had done. And there is another detail that Xiao Qiao wanted to go to Chao Yan to clarify the words. Wei Young asked if she wanted to go with her by herself, but Xiao Qiao refused, saying that she could go by herself. After this conversation, Xiao Qiao was like It was like being a different person, at this moment, she already knew about Chaoyan and Weiyang.

Xiao Qiao never thought that her good friend would get together with her boyfriend, and kept hiding herself. Xiao Qiao instantly felt that the world had collapsed. She always believed in love and friendship, and was full of hope for her future life. Hope, but now let her experience such a blow. Xiao Qiao couldn't accept all this, and finally she chose to commit suicide. Xiao Qiao said to Chaoyan: I love you, I can die for love, and finally she really went to a far away place, so that Chaoyan and Weiyang will never see her again in this lifetime.

Wei Young is very sad, Xiao Qiao is very important to her, it is Xiao Qiao's appearance that heals Wei Young, because of her childhood experience, she doesn't believe in love, so she thinks that love is not that important to Xiao Qiao, so she and Chaoyan doesn't feel much guilt when they are together, but Wei Young underestimated Xiao Qiao's emphasis on love, and she suffered a double blow from love and friendship, Xiao Qiao would naturally collapse and couldn't accept it.