最近有很多热心网友都十分关心骊歌行陈吉原型怎么死的 陈吉和覆水是一个人吗这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「一望几重烟水」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。







【英文介绍/For English】:

There are many emotional lines in "Li Ge Xing", the most special one is the CP of Chen Ji and the prince. They have prototypes in history. The prototype of the prince is Li Chengqian. Li Chengqian once raised a male pet named Desire, he is the prototype of Chen Ji in the play. Judging from the trailer, Chen Ji committed suicide to protect the prince, so how did Desire die in the end? You must be very curious about this.

Chen Ji's prototype, Xinxin, was a happy boy in Taichang Temple. Later, he was favored by the prince Li Chengqian and brought back to the East Palace. The two ate and lived together, and were inseparable. Desperate, he not only built a tomb and a stele for Xinxin, but also privately gifted him with officials and nobles, so that the palace people could pay homage to him every day. From this point of view, Li Chengqian really cared about Xinxin.

The death of Xinxin hit Li Chengqian very hard. He suspected that his younger brother Li Tai had reported him, so he felt resentful towards Li Tai. Later, after Li Chengqian knew that Li Tai had the intention of seizing the heir, he secretly planned an assassination operation, but it failed. Li Chengqian and other rebellious officials and thieves forced the palace to rebel, and was finally suppressed by Li Shimin. Li Chengqian died not long after being dispatched to a remote place.

According to the preview of "Li Ge Xing", it is guessed that Chen Ji should receive a box lunch, and then a person who looks similar to Chen Ji appeared next to the prince, named Fu Shui. I am curious about the relationship between Fu Shui and Chen Ji. Are they the same person? ? Could it be that Chen Ji didn't die and returned to the East Palace after changing his name?

Fu Shui and Chen Ji are two people, and they are not related, they just look alike. Fu Shui belongs to the Crown Princess, and he was instigated by the Crown Princess to get close to the Crown Prince. Although Fu Shui looks exactly like Chen Ji, his personality is completely different. He will not be a confidant.

With the development of the plot, the prince is facing the danger of being abolished. He is narrow-minded and very wary of the king of Zhou. As long as the emperor praises the king of Zhou, the prince will feel great pressure, so the final outcome of the prince is not very good.