据哈哈娱乐网网站「淡紫青云」消息,近日,良辰美景好时光马山山为什么抑郁 马山山这些年经历了啥引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。





【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Liang Chen's Beautiful and Good Times", Ma Shanshan's current experience makes people feel distressed. He puts on funny makeup and wears all kinds of exaggerated clothes to perform comedy on stage, and is responsible for making the audience laugh, but Ma Shanshan in the audience He is a very quiet person, and he looks like a different person from when he was on stage. Many friends who have read the original work know that the reason why Ma Shanshan is like this is because she has depression, so why is Ma Shanshan depressed? Let's find out what Ma Shanshan has experienced in these years!

In fact, Ma Shanshan was very lively when she was in college. She and Liang Chen were good friends. They lived in the same dormitory. Ma Shanshan and Liang Chen had many common languages ​​and hobbies. They agreed to realize their dreams together. However, what is unexpected is that Ma Shanshan will undergo such a big change after falling in love. Ma Shanshan's boyfriend is a scumbag. He was very kind to Ma Shanshan at the beginning, which moved Ma Shanshan and let her come together with him, but after being with Ma Shanshan, he didn't cherish him and even betrayed her Ma Shanshan, with other girls.

After Ma Shanshan found out about this incident, she was hit very hard. She broke up with her boyfriend, and because of this incident, the competition was delayed, which made Liang Chen unable to appear on stage. Because of this relationship, Ma Shanshan was bruised all over her body. She suffered from depression and hadn't come out for so many years. Ma Shanshan's career was also greatly affected by this. Liang Chen succeeded in becoming a singer through his own efforts. He has won numerous awards and is loved by everyone, but Ma Shanshan can only make money by being funny in variety shows.

Although she has also gained a group of fans, Ma Shanshan knows very well that this is not what she wants. She doesn't like acting in comedies at all, being funny on stage. The audience was very distressed after knowing what happened to Ma Shanshan. Although Ma Shanshan always showed a very indifferent look, in fact her heart was very fragile. Everyone hoped that Ma Shanshan could leave quickly. Come out and start your new life.