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【英文介绍/For English】:

On the closing night of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves 2", Na Ying sang the song "Echo". At 2 minutes and 08 seconds, because there was a segment where the screen was out of sync, I saw that Na Ying did not sing, but the singing continued. So there was news of Naying's lip-syncing, and it was also on the hot search. For this reason, the audience was very curious about what happened? As a powerful singer, we all know Na Ying's singing ability, but we will never believe in lip-syncing.

In the "Riding the Wind and Waves 2" final show broadcast on April 16, Na Ying sang the song "Echo" in the solo segment. Everyone knows that the climax of the song is very high-pitched. In terms of strength, Na Ying didn't keep up with the rhythm at 2 minutes and 06 seconds, and there was an out-of-sync clip in the follow-up. Na Ying turned around and stroked her forehead, which made some people feel like lip-syncing.

Regarding this detail, there is controversy on the Internet about lip-syncing and not lip-syncing. After all, as a senior, Na Ying's singing ability can definitely stand the test. After so many years of debut, and with so many high-quality music works, lip-syncing in a program Undoubtedly, it is the destruction of one's own reputation, and the loss outweighs the gain.

During the live broadcast, due to equipment and other reasons, the picture and the person's speech will be out of sync. It often happens, and when Naying sang songs, there were some cases where the lyrics were sung incorrectly, and there were also cases where she trembled due to nervousness. Combined with these, if If you say that this is not a real song, as an audience we don't know how to reply.

In "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves 2", Na Ying said that her dance has made good progress. From the initial stiffness of her limbs to the subsequent challenge of yoga dance on stage, her progress is obvious.

As a senior in the music scene, it is certain that Na Ying will debut at the C position. She sings well and is very humble and eager to learn. Getting along with her friends is even more friendly and funny. Will this big sister like it? Looking forward to the performance of the follow-up sister group.