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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Long Song Xing", Li Changge's fate is bumpy. She was originally a noble princess in the Tang Dynasty, but then she lost her family and apprentices one after another. Even she herself fell to the grassland and became a slave. Li Changge's heart is in the Tang Dynasty, but after all, it is difficult to return to his homeland, and he is also very sad. In the latest episode, Li Changge failed to rescue General Luo. She was chased and killed by the wolf master and was seriously injured. Just when her life was about to die, a mysterious swordsman appeared and rescued her. This person is Situ Langlang, many people are wondering where did Situ Langlang meet Li Changge? Situ Langlang not only rescued Li Changge, but also took her as his apprentice. He is a very important person in Li Changge's life.

It is reported that Situ Langlang met Li Changge on the grassland. At that time, Li Changge was surrounded by wolf masters. She was seriously injured and lost consciousness. Seeing that she was about to be caught, it was Situ Langlang who acted righteously , rescued Li Changge. When Li Changge woke up, he was surprised to see Situ Langlang and Sun Simiao. When he knew that they had saved him, Li Changge was very grateful. Situ Langlang is just a ranger, he has nothing to do with Li Changge, he just helps out when he sees injustice.

Situ Langlang is funny and humorous, but his skills are superb, and sometimes his words are very esoteric, and he seems to be a person with a story. Situ Langlang and Li Changge had a very happy chat, and Li Changge was very close to Situ Langlang, so in the end Situ Langlang accepted Li Changge as his apprentice. Although Li Changge's skills are already very good under Li Shimin's guidance, there is no end to learning, and Situ Langlang has traveled around the world. He has been to many places and has a lot of knowledge. He can bring Li Changge more different things. Situ Langlang's teaching made Li Changge grow up rapidly, and he was no longer as impulsive and reckless as before.

It's just that the relationship between Li Changge and Ashley Falcon is still so worrying. The two of them had a misunderstanding again. Li Changge thought that Ashley Falcon hated him and didn't want to see him again, so he led the wolf master away alone. Well, Ashley Falcon was just out of breath at the time, and he didn't blame Li Changge for Ayi'er's death.