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【英文介绍/For English】:

I believe many people have watched "Sunshine Sisters", which is a Korean comedy movie released in 2011, starring Shim Eun-kyung, Kang So-ra, Min Hyo-rin and others. The members of the group reunited and reunited after 25 years to find the youthful memories of that era together. This movie shows the best side of youth, and it quickly won praise and love from everyone after it was released. The score on Douban has reached 8.8 points, which is the 105th in the Top250 Douban movies. At the same time, "Sunshine Sisters" is also A classic for many. Now the Chinese version of this movie is going to be filmed, which makes people very curious. What is the name of the Chinese version of "Sunshine Sisters"? When will the movie be released, and what kind of story does it tell?

It is reported that the Chinese version of "Sunshine Sisters" is still called the original name, and now the movie has been scheduled to be released nationwide on June 11, 2021. Judging from the cast, this movie can be said to have gathered a lot of well-known actors , participating artists include Yin Tao, Ni Hongjie, Zeng Li, Ma Su, Zhang Xinyi and Jiang Xiaoyong, who will play the six sisters after they have grown up, while Zhou Jieqiong, Wang Qing, Xia Meng and others will play the six sisters of the girlhood. sisters.

Yin Tao and others are all standard capable actors. Since their debut, they have won awards and been soft-handed, and they have also proved their strength. With them, I believe that there is no problem in terms of acting skills. It’s almost the same, but everyone is still worried, because the director of this movie is Bao Beier. Bao Beier had failed several times as a director before, so netizens are still more worried about the quality of the movie, but the movie has not yet been officially released, so many people Still very much looking forward to it.

Although "Sunshine Sisters" is an old movie that has been released for many years, its reputation is still very good. It can be said that Bao Beier's remake of this movie is a very difficult thing. Everyone is now worried and looking forward to it. Do you know how the quality of the feature film is?