最近有很多热心网友都十分关心亲爱的柠檬精先生苏北为什么出国 苏北经历了哪些事情这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「轻吟莫相离」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。





【英文介绍/For English】:

"Dear Mr. Lemon Essence" started with Su Bei's domineering return. Unlike the scene of going abroad in embarrassment seven years ago, Su Bei is now a famous model agent. She came back this time for a purpose. Having encountered so many bad things, now Su Bei wants to pay back little by little, and there is also the truth about Aunt Lan's death, so Su Bei also needs to find out. Many viewers are very curious and want to know why "Dear Mr. Lemon Essence" Su Bei went abroad? Let's find out what happened to Subei back then!

It is reported that the reason why Su Bei went abroad was sent away by his husband Lu Nan. Su Bei was framed for plagiarism, and there were conflicts between him and Lu Nan. Lu Nan sent Su Bei away. The two have never followed each other since then. Seven years later, after Su Bei returned to China, he saw Lu Nan again. At this time, Lu Nan had lost his memory. He forgot Su Bei, and he did not remember what happened before. Being implicated, Su Bei wanted to find clues from Lu Nan, so he could only approach him deliberately.

Fortunately, the husband and wife relationship between Lu Nan and Su Bei has not been dissolved, which also provides convenience for Su Bei's actions, and Su Bei's son Su Han also returned to China to serve as an assist. Su Han is the child of Su Bei and Lu Nan. After Bei was sent abroad, she found out that she was pregnant. She was reluctant to let go of the child, so she was born alone. Su Han knew that Lu Nan was his father, so he took the initiative to find him. Lu Nan was very surprised when he heard the news. He and Su Bei were involved again.

In fact, Lu Nan and Su Bei still have feelings, but they always hurt each other and push each other further. Now with Su Han's help, the relationship between Su Bei and Lu Nan has greatly improved. progress. After going through some things together, the two finally reconciled. They came together again, and Lu Nan gradually recovered his memory. Thinking of everything before, the truth of Aunt Lan's death was about to be revealed.