据哈哈娱乐网网站「不俗可人儿」消息,近日,天官赐福男主到底是谁 从鹿晗到丁程鑫演员几乎被溜遍引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。






【英文介绍/For English】:

Since "Blessing of the Heavenly Official" was officially announced to be a film and television production, fans have been most concerned about the choice of the male protagonist. After all, this work not only has book fans but also animation fans. In short, this is a very good "big movie" Cake”, it is said that there are hundreds of male actors auditioning, but the official Weibo has no information on who the final candidate is. Recently, Ding Chengxin, Dong Sicheng, Hou Minghao and others have also been involved. What is going on?

Since the TV series "Blessing of the Heavenly Officials" announced that they would make a TV series, it has become a hot topic among the audience about who the male protagonists Huacheng and Xie Lian will choose to star in the film and television drama. At first, fans liked Luhan very much. After all, Luhan's The appearance is really handsome, especially his ancient costume is really amazing. I still remember that in "Fighter of the Destiny", Luhan was dressed in white and wore a white hat. He is the same as Xie Lian in the fantasies of the original novel. It looks like, letting Luhan play Xie Lian is something that many audiences are looking forward to, but unfortunately Luhan's current route is not like this, so he explicitly rejected this type of film and television drama.

Recently, there has been a lot of news about Ding Chengxin's role as Xie Lian in "The Blessing of Heavenly Officials", and there is even news that he went to take a makeup photo. Later, Ding Chengxin urgently refuted the rumors, saying that he did not take a makeup photo, but he was not sure whether he would play the role. There was no clear reply, which gave fans a little bit of anticipation.

In 2020, Ding Chengxin participated in the "Actors Please Take Your Place" program. He appeared as a rookie actor. "In the Name of Family", "My Star" or "Painted Skin", "Infinite", whether it is a modern drama or a costume drama, Ding Chengxin's appearance is very close to the original, and the costume appearance is also very amazing, so fans feel that There will also be surprises for him to play Xie Lian.

After finishing talking about Ding Chengxin, Dong Sicheng and Zhang Linghe came later. It is impossible to determine which male protagonists Huacheng and Xie Lian will star in "Blessings of Heavenly Officials", after all, the project will not start until July. , Now there is no way to confirm all the news.