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【英文介绍/For English】:

The heroine Shui Wuxia in "Bai Yusi Wuxia" is a proud and cold maid in Langya Pavilion. She was hired by the Jiang family to be the tutor of the young master Jiang Baiyu. The masked hero Shen Qingli, what is the relationship between Shen Qingli and Jiang Baiyu? People can't help but wonder about the identity of the hero Jiang Baiyu. If Jiang Baiyu is Shen Qingli, why would he hide his identity and change his name? Is there any purpose in doing this?

"Bai Yusi Wuxia" is an ancient costume love drama starring Wanpeng and Zhang Yao. Shui Wuxia and Jiang Baiyu had no intersection. He is a fool, a useless dude, with no talent and no virtue, which does not make people worry. Has the arrival of Shui Wuxia changed Jiang Baiyu?

In fact, Jiang Baiyu has another unknown identity, that is Shen Qingli, the hero of Chong'an. Shen Qingli has always been known in the world. The people of Chong'an respect him very much. Shui Wuxia is also Shen Qingli's fan girl, but she doesn't know It was Jiang Baiyu, so Shui Wuxia's attitude towards Jiang Baiyu was very bad. He would not let Jiang Baiyu touch him, and would not eat what Jiang Baiyu gave him. When facing Shen Qingli, Shui Wuxia's attitude changed 180 degrees. She didn't care whether a man or a woman gave or received kisses, as long as it was something offered by Shen Qingli, she would happily accept it.

The setting of the male protagonist in this drama is quite novel, and it won’t make people feel boring. Jiang Baiyu often investigates the cause of his father’s death as Shen Qingli, and meets Shui Wuxia frequently. Gradually, Jiang Baiyu falls in love with Shui Wuxia , and Shui Wuxia just didn't know that Jiang Baiyu and Shen Qingli were alone. If they knew, they would definitely have to go through a psychological struggle to accept this fact. According to the routine of previous romantic dramas, Jiang Baiyu and Shui Wuxia will definitely get together in the end, there is no doubt about it.