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【英文介绍/For English】:

The latest episode of "Everyday Upward" invited many dogs, guide dogs, police dogs, and dogs from the healing series. Dogs of various professions joined the battle. The scene was very joyful, and Wang Yibo learned dog training from a professional teacher The skill of making the dog sit down obediently with a gesture is very good. The dog trainer saw that Wang Yibo is so talented, and said to him, Wang Yibo, you can change careers to accompany the dog. There was a magician before. , The ice carving master came to grab people, and now the dog training master is also praising Wang Yibo, our bobo is very popular.

On April 11, 2021, in the "Everyday Upward" program, Wang Yibo learned the skills of dog training from his master, especially his gesture of sitting down is very imposing, and the dog is also conquered by his aura. Really can. In addition to learning to train dogs, Wang Yibo also followed the psychological companion dog to visit the children of the stars, hoping to bring them some joy through his actions.

Children with autism are all from the stars in the sky. They have their own thoughts and their own world. Although we cannot participate in their world in a short time, as long as we patiently accompany them, I believe they will be happy . This time Wang Yibo played with the children with the psychological companion dog.

Wang Yibo has always been a very gentle and patient boy. In his world, he has encountered many difficulties that ordinary people cannot overcome and has been misunderstood by others, but he has always used his strong heart to support himself to keep moving forward. The world is so complicated, but in Wang Yibo's small world, it is a place full of love and hope. Wang Yibo said that as long as he works hard, he believes that he will gain something.

Wang Yibo likes pets, especially dogs. When I went to director Yating’s home, she had a dog named Buffett. Wang Yibo walked the dog, wiped the dog’s feet, and even hugged the dog to sleep. The whole line is very gentle, he is really a very likable big boy.