本篇文章给大家谈谈司藤结局什么意思 司藤和秦放最后死了吗,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。





【英文介绍/For English】:

"Si Teng" finally ushered in the final ending amid everyone's reluctance, which made the audience in the drama chasing mode very excited. Si Teng and Qin Fang had just made up their minds but could not stay together. In order to eliminate Qiu Shan, Bai Ying and Si Teng Teng put aside the previous suspicions and fought side by side. The two of them finally died together with Qiu Shan, and all three of them were wiped out. Qin Fang was very sad, and embarked on a journey to find Si Teng. Five years later, he never expected that he would meet a little girl who looked exactly like Si Teng when he was a child on the main road. Many viewers are curious about what the ending of "Si Teng" means. Both Qin Fang and Si Teng are willing to sacrifice their lives to keep each other alive. Did they both die in the end?

It is reported that "Si Teng" has two endings. In the ending of the feature film, Si Teng brought the sleeping Qin Fang back to the deep mountains and old forests. , but returning to the original body, they can no longer perceive the changes in the outside world, can't hear or watch, even if they are together, many viewers think this is a be ending.

In the extra episode, Si Teng saved his own life by splitting up. Xi Zhu, just like Bai Ying, is Si Teng's other self. He really found Si Teng, and the two of them lived in seclusion in the depths of Cangcheng Mountain. Many years later, Xizhu grew up. She went to find Qin Fang and met Si Teng, but under the reminder of the two of them, Xizhu did not ask about her life experience, and chose to continue to live a carefree and happy life, but Qin Fang and Si Teng also stayed in the deep mountains.

After so many things, they all understand the importance of each other to themselves. Even if they are as proud as Si Teng, they are never willing to let Qin Fang leave him, and Qin Fang is the same. He loves Si Teng deeply, and the two can say After going through life and death several times, and now they are finally living a peaceful life, how could Qin Fang deliberately destroy this happiness? In the extra episode, Qin Fang and Si Teng were finally able to stay together, and countless viewers expressed that they were more willing to believe that this was the final ending of the two of them.