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Creation Camp 4 Second Performance Ranking

The second performance of "Creation Camp 4" ranked from high to low are Liu Yu, Zhou Keyu, Li Wan, Zando, Lin Mo, Mika, Bo Yuan, Yin Haoyu, Gan Wangxing, Zhang Jiayuan, Oscar and so on. The ranking after the second performance and the ranking of the first performance changed a lot, and it quickly aroused heated discussions on the Internet.

The contestants trained very hard to show a better version of themselves on the stage. The 55 contestants who stayed after the first performance cherished this stage even more, and wanted to present better performances for fans who like themselves. The audience I also have high hopes for them and hope that the players can achieve better results in the following competitions.

This time, the ranking of the debut position has changed a lot compared with the last time, which has aroused heated discussions among everyone. Except for Liu Yu who is still sitting firmly at the first place, the other fluctuations are very large, which is also for the competition. Adds a touch of tension. Since the show was broadcast, fewer and fewer trainees have stayed, and the tests they have to go through have become more and more stringent.

Who is the backing king of Creation Camp 4's second performance?

The supporters of the second performance of "Creation Camp 4" are Gao Qingchen from the vocal music team "Don't Think of Me" and Liu Zhang from the original rap team "Peak". The two of them successfully won the audience with their outstanding stage performance In the end, they won the support king of the second performance with the highest number of support in the audience.