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【英文介绍/For English】:

The TV series "Ocean City" co-starred by Zhang Han and Wang Likun immediately attracted the attention of many netizens after it was launched. This TV series, like its name, mainly tells stories that happened at sea. The work of the male and female protagonists is also related to the ocean. , They became friends because of the sea and experienced many things together. Many people are curious and want to know what the finale of "Ocean City" is? Are Ding Kai played by Zhang Han and Tianyue played by Wang Likun finally together?

It is reported that Ding Kai and Tianyue are together in the ending, and at the same time they have realized their long-cherished wish, and continue to work hard towards a further future. The two met by chance. The first mate of the tanker, and Tianyue is a tour guide. They met on the cruise ship. The cruise ship sailing in the sea is isolated from the outside world, but it forms a small society by itself. Here Ding Kai and Tianyue share with other crew members and The tourists witnessed the life legends of ordinary people together, and at the same time gained the experience of growing up. The two of them also gradually fell in love with each other while getting along.

There are all kinds of tourists on the cruise. Among them are company bosses who are in financial difficulties, urban white-collar workers who are in marital crisis, newlywed couples on honeymoon, elderly couples who enjoy the fun of life, and sick children who want to be completed. The parents of dreams, etc., they all have their own unique life experiences. At the same time, their stories also let Ding Kai and Tianyue understand a lot of truths. The two encourage each other to work hard and move forward for the future of their dreams and the goals in their hearts. In the end, they not only achieved very good results in their careers, but also gained sincere love.

This TV series not only describes the story of Ding Kai and Tianyue from their acquaintance to their final love, but also shows the changes in China's current society and the relationship between China and the world as it grows. Now "City of the Sea" is currently on the air, I like this There are more and more netizens of this drama, and everyone is very much looking forward to the next development of the plot. I don't know what interesting things will happen.