本篇文章给大家谈谈韩剧窥探到底谁是真凶 男主会是最终大boss吗,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。





【英文介绍/For English】:

Recently, the Korean drama "Spy" is very popular. It has been high-powered since the first episode, and it has left people with suspense. The most addictive thing is that everyone is not sure who the murderer is at the end. Every time you watch an episode, everyone thinks about the murderer. Everyone will have new conjectures and conjectures, so who is the real culprit in the Korean drama "Spy"? The male protagonist looks very simple. In the latest episode, he killed the bird cleanly and without mercy. The audience was very surprised, and he was listed as a new target of suspicion.

In every episode of the play, there will be homicides, but the final murderer can't be found. The criminal's methods are very clever and very arrogant. He concluded that no one can find him, so he doesn't hide his murder at all. After analyzing the plot, the audience focused on the three children who were born carrying the psychopathic gene more than 20 years ago. The son of the maknae detective.

The identity of the leading actor, Zheng Barin, has not yet been revealed. Many netizens think that maybe he is the son of a headhunter, who was dropped or abandoned by his mother after birth. But there are also many people who think that Zheng Barin is the son of the research institute. When his mother was pregnant with him, he believed that the child in her womb would be the one percent exception. He would not become a devil, but a genius. The scene where he killed the little bird in the hospital left a deep impression on the audience. The seemingly kind-hearted Zheng Barin strangled the chirping bird in the ward without hesitation, doing such a cruel thing, Zheng Barin His behavior is completely inconsistent with his appearance, which makes people even more suspicious that he is the murderer behind the scenes.

However, the TV series has not been updated yet, and I don't know what the final ending will be like. And the other people in the play don’t seem so simple. The TV series is so foggy now that everyone wants to know who the murderer behind all this is, but now everything is still confusing, and there is still a long way to go from the truth. .