据哈哈娱乐网网站「最佳夫人」消息,近日,忠犬八公的故事原型 中国版由冯小刚陈冲出演引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。






【英文介绍/For English】:

The content of the movie "The Story of the Faithful Dog Hachiko" is very touching. After it was released, it has won the love of countless audiences. Of course, tears have not been shed. It is hard to forget Hachiko's well-behaved, sensible and loyal. Many viewers asked "Loyalty" What is the prototype of the story of Inu Hachiko? Since it is adapted from a true story, what is the story behind it?

The movie "The Story of the Faithful Dog Hachiko" is based on the story of Professor Ueno Eisaburo of Nihon University and his Akita dog Hachiko. In 1923, Ueno Eisaburo adopted Akita Dog and named it Hachiko, and then brought it to Tokyo, Japan. Ueno Eisaburo is a professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo Imperial University. He goes to class during the day and drives home at night, and every evening Hachiko was waiting for Ueno Hidezaburo at the station, and then went home with one person and one dog. This kind of picture is very warm, but the days like this did not last long, because Ueno Hidezaburo passed away.

In May 1925, Ueno Hidezaburo died in class due to a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. He never returned to the original station, and there was no way to go home with Hachiko, but Hachiko didn’t know that its owner would never appear again. Yes, in the next 9 years, Hachiko still went to the station to wait for his master, and his feelings were moving.

Not many people knew the story of Hachiko and Ueno Hidezaburo at the beginning. After all, there were too many stray dogs at the station. Hachiko was really known to everyone in 1932. It has been 7 years since Ueno Hidezaburo passed away. Because the student was writing a thesis about the Akita dog, he happened to notice the dog at the station. After seeing Hachiko return to Professor Ueno’s original home, he learned the story of the dog and the teacher, and The story of Hachiko going to the station to wait for his master in rain or shine for 7 years was written by him and published in a newspaper. Only then did Hachiko's story become known to everyone.

In March 1938, Hachiko was 12 years old, and he was 84 years old in human age. In addition, he contracted a disease and died later. After the death of Hachiko, the Japanese made a statue to commemorate the story of it and its owner, and then there were films, so the story of Hachiko was known to more people. The Chinese version of "The Story of Hachiko", starring Feng Xiaogang and Chen Chong, will be released on December 31, 2021.