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【英文介绍/For English】:

Zhang Rui, who played Yong Qi in "Xin Huan Zhu Ge Ge", became a hot search on the Internet. Netizens called out "Why did Zhang Rui go there a few years ago?" In addition, the relationship between Zhang Rui and Song Yi has also attracted much attention. Is there cooperation between people? Song Yi is already with Bai Jingting, she and Zhang Rui definitely have no emotional entanglements.

Recently, many netizens said that Zhang Rui's live broadcast is too stalking. An actor like him who can act, sing, and opera should be popular early. Obviously, the company behind him is unwilling to praise him, including Liu Xueyi and his The situation is similar, the conditions are good in all aspects, but there are no resources.

Zhang Rui also has many masterpieces. The one who impressed everyone most about him should be Yong Qi. In fact, Zhang Rui's acting skills are very good, and he can interpret different types of roles. Many people don't know that Zhang Rui and Song Yi are old classmates, and the two chatted about their college days on a variety show.

Song Yi and Zhang Rui played together when they were in college. Zhang Rui asked Song Yi if he was wearing long johns. Song Yi said, "How do you see that?" Zhang Rui replied, "Because your legs have become thicker." Afterwards, Zhang Rui Rui felt that it was not good to say this, so he quickly apologized sincerely, and the matter was let go.

Song Yi is very thin now. She is losing weight every day, thinning her waist and legs. After all, as an actor, body management is necessary, otherwise she will not be able to take part in the future. The relationship between Zhang Rui and Song Yi has always been very good. The two of them chatted happily and very intimately when they met. This kind of friendship between them is really rare in the entertainment industry.

I really wonder why Zhang Rui is not popular. His appearance and acting skills are up to standard, and he can stand on his own. However, he is rarely seen on the big screen now. Zhang Rui has been broadcasting live recently, and has gained a lot of fans with his interesting live broadcast style. Everyone hopes that he can come out to act, and actors should want to have more excellent works.

Zhang Rui and Song Yi are just classmates, and they haven't acted together before. I don't know if there will be a chance in the future, so let's look forward to it.