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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Si Teng", Shan Zhigang is a good friend of the leading actor Qin Fang, and the two started a company together. In life, Shan Zhigang also takes care of Qin Fang. Qin Fang has always regarded Shan Zhigang as his good brother, but in fact Shan Zhigang still has many secrets to hide from Qin Fang. Many viewers suspect that he is Qiu Shan, so is Shan Zhigang Qiu Shan? Although the mystery of Shan Zhigang's identity has not been completely solved yet, judging from his many actions, Shan Zhigang is indeed not an ordinary person.

Shan Zhigang himself said that he is more than a hundred years old, and he usually likes to drink raw eggs, which is a preference that many people cannot accept. There is also a black bracelet on Shan Zhigang's wrist, which has been noticed by attentive viewers. Qiu Shan also had a point. When he met Yan Furui, Shan Zhigang was very concerned about Yan Furui even though it was the first time he met him, and even wanted to invest in him, which flattered Yan Furui. Before leaving, Shan Zhigang even touched Yan Furui's head and called him Ah Fu. This kind of intimate behavior even stunned Yan Furui, and Shan Zhigang didn't think it was wrong, as if he had already done this gesture The same countless times.

Shan Zhigang's hostility towards Si Teng is also very suspicious. When he saw Si Teng for the first time in the hospital, he was very excited and told Qin Fang not to believe what Si Teng said. It was the same for Qiu Shan decades ago. He hates Si Teng, so the audience concluded that he was Qiu Shan based on Shan Zhigang's various reactions. However, if Shan Zhigang is really Qiu Shan, there are many doubts about him. Qiu Shan was already a little old in the Republic of China, but now Shan Zhigang is handsome and handsome, and his identity is also very clear. Qiu Shan How did you do all this?

Or that Shan Zhigang is Shan Zhigang, but Qiu Shan controls him? What can be confirmed at present is that Shan Zhigang's identity is indeed not simple, and there is a feud between him and Si Teng. If we want to know more about Shan Zhigang, we will have to wait until the plot is updated in the future. Now the TV series is in full swing, and everyone is looking forward to the next development of the plot.