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【英文介绍/For English】:

The blind date in the third season of "Cute Detective Detective Detective" was in the seventh episode. After the show was broadcast, it caused heated discussions, exposed many real problems, and the topic was relatively high.

The task set by the program group is that the guests go to a blind date corner in Hangzhou after dressing up in disguise, and if they get the contact information of five parents, they will be considered successful. The guests of this issue include Huang Zitao, Tranquility, Guli Nazha, Sun Honglei, Sun Qian, Xie Na, Mao Xiaotong, Yin Haoyu and Xu Zhisheng.

Nazha dresses neutrally, with short silver hair and a baseball cap. At the beginning, many parents chatted with her. Then an uncle introduced his son, who is 1.8 meters tall, good-looking, and has a master's degree. However, when he asked Nazha what his education was, Nazha Nazha said that she was a bachelor, but the uncle hesitated after hearing it, saying that his son wanted to find a master's degree, and there was a problem with his undergraduate degree. This was just a small episode. In the end, Nazha got the WeChat messages of five parents.

Mao Xiaotong is young, beautiful and very popular. Even wearing black-rimmed glasses, she still attracts many uncles and aunts, so she quickly completed the task. The girl side is okay, but the boy side is a bit difficult. Xu Zhisheng directly reported that his height is 1.71 meters.

Huang Zitao was also asked about his height. After he said that he was 183cm, all the aunts gathered around and asked Huang Zitao for other information. Some aunts even called his daughter. The other party questioned whether the blind date was normal, and finally did not add WeChat.

Yi Haoyu also participated in this blind date session. At the beginning, Yin Haoyu asked what requirements he had, and his aunt said, "Men need two houses." However, because Yin Haoyu is so handsome, the aunt said that only one house would be fine. , the family's economic power must be controlled by his own daughter.

Yin Haoyu said that he has no job, no car and no schooling, and his aunt said it doesn't matter. Although it is a blind date session, you can see from their conversations what kind of trend the entire blind date environment is like. There are too many requirements and more emphasis on external conditions.