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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Glory Ping Pong" starring Xu Weizhou and Bai Jingting quickly aroused everyone's curiosity on the Internet. This is a drama with two male protagonists. It tells the story of two different types of players. Then the story of working hard together to make progress, many people are very curious, wondering if "Glory Ping Pong" is a Dangai drama? Because many dramas with two male protagonists are of this type recently, many people think of this drama.

It is reported that "Glory Ping Pong" is not a Dangai drama, but a simple TV series with two male protagonists. Yu Kenan and Xu Tan are both table tennis players. After they met, they gradually became friends and grew up together. They never stopped working hard for their dreams and national honor. Their hard work has also brought about their continuous progress. In the process, he gradually became a better version of himself.

Yu Kenan and Xu Tan became good friends in the end, but at the same time they were rivals on the court. Both of them are very strong, but Xu Tan and Yu Kenan are completely different types of players. Xu Tan is introverted and does not like Intersection, he started playing table tennis because of the influence of his grandfather who loves table tennis. In the beginning, everyone actually started to play table tennis with the idea of ​​making Xu Tan healthy, because Xu Tan's body is relatively weak, but this continues day after day. As the days went on, Xu Tan gradually fell in love with table tennis, and table tennis gradually became a part of Xu Tan's life.

And Yu Kenan inherited the genes of his father who is a national table tennis player. He has shown his love for table tennis since he was a child. His reputation in the table tennis world has risen, and at the same time his strength has continued to increase. Xu Tan and Yu Kenan met each other because of table tennis. They grew up and made progress together. In the end, they both realized their dreams and became two shining stars in the table tennis world. Xu Tan and Yu Kenan are good buddies. The two have gone through many tests together, and these things have made their friendship stronger.