据哈哈娱乐网网站「初心i」消息,近日,半妖司藤秦放是白英的后代么 司藤秦放有血缘关系吗引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。





【英文介绍/For English】:

The fantasy love drama "Si Teng" starring Jing Tian and Zhang Binbin quickly aroused heated discussions on the Internet. Netizens are very curious about the origins of Si Teng and Qin Fang in the play. The two of them seem to have a relationship in the dark What kind of connection is the same, so that Qin Fang can meet the sleeping Si Teng when his life is dying, and wake her up, and Si Teng looks exactly the same as Bai Ying many years ago, so Qin Fang in "Half Demon Si Teng" is Bai Ying's descendant ? Let's find out if there is any connection between Si Teng, Qin Fang and Bai Ying!

It is reported that this TV series is adapted from Wei Yu's novel "Half Demon Si Teng". In the book, Si Teng and Bai Ying are actually one, and Qin Fang is Bai Ying's descendant. That is to say, in fact, Qin Fang and Si Teng The vines are also connected. Si Teng is a very powerful demon. She divided herself into two, one half is Si Teng and the other is Bai Ying. The two got along well at first, but then Bai Ying met Shao Yankuan and developed a love for him. Bai Ying wants to marry Shao Yankuan, but Si Teng knows that Shao Yankuan doesn't love Bai Ying at all, and just wants to kill her with Taoist Qiushan.

Bai Ying didn't believe what Si Teng said, she defeated Si Teng, bled him and buried him deep in the ground, Si Teng fell into a deep sleep like this, Bai Ying also got his wish and married Shao Yankuan. After the two got married, they had a child, and this child was Qin Fang's ancestor. Bai Ying thought she was married to love, but later Shao Yankuan and Taoist Qiu Shan joined forces to kill Bai Ying and burn him into a black bone. However, Bai Ying had already noticed that something was wrong with Shao Yankuan, and she had already made arrangements and made many careful plans. Her child was the key to revive the sleeping Si Teng, so Bai Ying kept him.

Many years later, Qin Fang used his own blood to accidentally wake up the sleeping Si Teng. In fact, these things were all in Bai Ying's plan. Sito wakes up again after many years. Everything in the world has already undergone countless changes. How will Sito face this unfamiliar world? Will she avenge herself? Let's look forward to the next plot development!