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Who is Creation Camp 2021c?

The c position in "Creation Camp 2021" is Liu Yu. On the first stage, Liu Yu won the applause of everyone with his excellent dance. The instructor also had a very good impression of Liu Yu. The A grade is the praise of his strength. Liu Yu's singing ability is also very online, the timbre is very pleasant, and the treble is also very stable. , this time as a C position is enough to prove his strength and popularity.

Liu Yu, who was born in 2000, spoke with his dance skills on the stage of "Creation Camp 2021". All his skills are very durable and he is recognized as a powerful faction. This time as the C position of "Creation Camp 2021", the fans are both happy and worried. After all, in the previous seasons of the show, the curse of not debuting at the beginning of the C camp has always been there, so fans say that Liu Yu will definitely make his debut in the end .

Liu Yu, who is currently studying at the Communication University of China, has participated in programs such as "The Beautiful Boy of the Country" and "The Poems of Neighbors", and also participated in "Dear Medicine King" as an actor. He has a high popularity on the Internet. Now Participating in the "Creation Camp" program as a trainee, I definitely want to learn more skills and accumulate popularity.

Yin Haoyu Weibo personal data background

The contestants in "Creation Camp 2021" come from all over the world. Among them, Yin Haoyu, a Thai contestant, has attracted everyone's attention because he is the youngest. First, he is very handsome. Secondly, he has a good singing ability. The most important point is that he is an outstanding singer in Thailand. actor.