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【英文介绍/For English】:

The characters in "The Son-in-law" all have their own characteristics. Among them, Geng Huyuan quickly won the audience's love after it went online. He played Xiu Nian in the movie "The Iron Fist of Shame" very well. Everyone was deeply impressed, but Xiu Nian went offline very quickly, which made people feel a little unsatisfied. This time he appeared in "The Son-in-law", and his role as Geng Nuyuan brought a lot of laughs to everyone. With the broadcast of the plot, more and more viewers fell in love with him. However, in the latest plot, Geng Nuyuan actually received a lunch box, which makes people very curious, wondering how did Geng Nuyuan die in "Zuo Son"? Geng Nuyuan went offline, which made the audience who liked him very sad.

It is reported that Geng Nursing Academy died to protect Ning Yi. Ning Yi was hunted down by Bao Wenhan. Although Ning Yi had many ideas, his physical fitness was not as good as Bao Wenhan. Geng Nursing Academy recognized him not far away. Ning Yi, in order to protect Ning Yi, Geng Nuyuan did not hesitate to use his body to block Bao Wenhan, and was then stabbed by Bao Wenhan. But even though he was injured, Geng Huyuan still dragged Bao Wenhan tightly, and then told Ning Yi to leave quickly. Bao Wenhan was very angry at Geng Huyuan who blocked his footsteps, so he completely killed Geng with a knife. nursing home.

Geng Nuyuan just died like this, everyone is very sad, although sometimes Geng Nuyuan is dumbfounded, but he has brought a lot of happiness to everyone, and Geng Nuyuan is very dedicated, he knows his duty is to protect Miss and Uncle, so when Ning Yi is in danger, Geng Nursing House will not hesitate to sacrifice his own life. Geng Nuyuan's dream is to go to the end of the world with a sword and marry Yang's mother, but his wish was not realized until his death. Ning Yi, Su Tan'er and others were very sad.

For them, Geng Nuyuan is not just servants, but friends and family members. Ning Yi recalled the time they spent together in front of Geng Nuyuan's tomb, and felt even more heartbroken. He hoped that Geng Nuyuan could have an afterlife. You can realize all your wishes and be a happy and happy person.