很多朋友对于明星大侦探魏晨王鸥唱成全哪期 独属于名侦的感人歌曲和不太懂,今天就由小编多想强吻你来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!

明星大侦探》魏晨王鸥是老玩家,颜值高还有梗,深受粉丝的喜欢,在第六季《名侦》节目中,王鸥回归让人很多人感慨,嘉宾们坐在一起再次说起了歌曲《成全》,众人也是感慨六季节目就这样子呼啸而过,大家一起走过了万水千山,配合上如此伤感的背景音乐,观众的眼泪 一下子就掉下来了。





【英文介绍/For English】:

"Star Detective" Wei Chen Wang Ou is an old player. He is good-looking and has a stalk. He is deeply loved by fans. In the sixth season of "Famous Detective", Wang Ou's return made many people feel emotional. The guests sat together Speaking of the song "Success" again, everyone felt that the six seasons of the show passed by like this, and everyone walked through thousands of rivers and mountains together. With such a sad background music, the audience burst into tears.

On February 2, 2021, in the "Star Detective 6" program, Wang Ou returned. Wearing a white curly hair set on her dress and head, she was radiant, and Wang Ou said, "From Lifa Palace to Houllywood, we have walked through thousands of rivers and mountains together! My family, I am back", which made fans very moved after hearing it .

When everyone sat together to discuss the case, Wang Ou said that he watched the NZND concert and heard Wei Chen sing "Success", tears fell down at once, and Wei Chen also said that the song was very meaningful when he told Sa Beining, Especially when I saw Wang Ou in the mv, I was even more emotional. Because Wang Ou didn't show up at the concert, everyone missed her very much. In addition, Sa Beining also said that he was recording "The Second Season of Star Detective" at the time. I was less than forty years old when I wrote Cloud Firmament, but when I think about it now, it has been such a long time, tears fell down my eyes all at once.

"Star Detective" is a variety show with content, feelings and stalks. Since the first season was broadcast, it has gained the love of countless viewers, especially veteran players Sa Beining, He Jiong, Bai Jingting, Wang Ou and others. Wei Chen and others, they constitute the soul of the show. In the cooperation of so many episodes of the show, a tacit understanding has already been established with each other, so it seems like a happy scene that everyone is looking forward to, and they come as soon as they say it.

In the sixth season of "Star Detective", old players such as Bai Jingting, Wei Chen, and Wang Ou did not have permanent programs, and Guigui did not come to record this season's program due to personal factors. It is a pity, but there will be more in the future. For such a long time, we can only look forward to their subsequent reunion.