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【英文介绍/For English】:

Xin Zhilei has developed very rapidly in the past few years. She has starred in many popular film and television dramas. The characters she created have also left a very deep impression on people. As more and more people like her, everyone is very curious , I want to know how Xin Zhilei became popular? There are so many good-looking actresses with acting skills in the entertainment industry, what is so special about Xin Zhilei?

In fact, Xin Zhilei's acting career has not been smooth, and it can even be said to be a bit bumpy. When she debuted, she shot commercials with Tony Leung. Not only did people around her have high hopes for her, but Xin Zhilei herself felt that she would definitely be popular, but in reality She was dealt a heavy blow very quickly, Xin Zhilei's reputation has never been established, and there was no splash in the first few years of her debut.

Xin Zhilei was very depressed, and she also had doubts about the path she chose, but the reality could not allow her to choose again, and the burden of life was on her. Xin Zhilei had no background, and the family conditions were not good. Xin Zhilei is responsible for the family situation and the survival of the family. Others worry about how to live a better life, but Xin Zhilei has to consider how to survive for herself and her family. Xin Zhilei, a thin girl, shouldered such a heavy burden, but she did not give up because of it. Her persistence and strength also moved many people.

Xin Zhilei is not from a major, so she has to work harder than others. When Xin Zhilei first became an actor, she appeared in many film and television dramas, but none of these roles made her popular until she starred in "Xiu Chun Dao" After ", Xin Zhilei's acting skills and talent were truly affirmed by the directors, so she had a better chance. What really made her popular was not a movie or a TV series, but a variety show, that is "The Birth of an Actor", where Xin Zhilei showed her explosive acting skills and successfully impressed many seniors in the entertainment industry. Many people fell in love with Xin Zhilei, who has a real temperament because of "The Birth of an Actor". Everyone has also seen her strength and hope that she can develop better and better in the future.