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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Shangyang Fu", Wang Xuan lost the child in his womb when the prince Zilong initiated the palace change. At the same time, Wang Zhang's mother committed suicide, which dealt a very serious blow to Wang Zhang. The body becomes very weak as a result. Seeing Wang Yan so sad, Xiao Qi comforted her and said that they would have children in the future, but judging from Xiao Qi's expression, it would not be that simple, so Xiao Qi and Wang Yan in "Shangyang Fu" have children ? Let's find out what will happen to the two of them in the end!

It is reported that Xiao Qi said that they will have children in the future to comfort Wang Zhang. After the miscarriage, Wang Zhang’s body is very weak and is not as good as before. ingenious. The relationship between the two became better, and Xiao Qi's love for Wang Zhang was also very enviable, but one day Aunt Xu suddenly discovered that the soup Wang Zhang drank was not for regulating Qi and blood, but Bizi Tang. .

Aunt Xu was very shocked. She couldn't figure out why Xiao Qi wanted to drink Bizi soup for Wang Yan. The relationship between the two of them seemed so good. Could it be that Xiao Qi was afraid of Wang Yan's status as the daughter of Langya Wang's daughter and didn't want Wang Xuan to give birth to him? children? In fact, this is not the case. The reason why Xiao Qi gave Wang Xuan to drink Bizi Tang was mainly for Wang Zhang's good. I couldn't bear it at all. If she got pregnant and gave birth, Wang Zhang's life would be in danger.

Although Xiao Qi wanted Wang Xuan to give birth to his child, he loved Wang Xuan more, and Xiao Qi would not put Wang Zhang's life at risk. Xiao Qi would rather not have a child than to keep Wang Zhang's life, but he didn't want Wang Zhang to know about it, so he secretly made Wang Zhang drink Bizi Tang in the name of regulating Qi and blood for Wang Zhang. The audience was very curious, could it be that Wang Zhang really couldn't have children? In the original book, Wang Yan finally gave birth to a pair of children for Xiao Qi. I wonder if the drama version will be like this?