很多朋友对于我就是这般女子容瑕为什么喜欢班婳 两个人结局是啥和不太懂,今天就由小编花谢为谁悲来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!





【英文介绍/For English】:

In "I'm Such a Woman", Rong Xia played by Hou Minghao and Ban Hua played by Guan Xiaotong stand together with a sense of CP. The two are always online in terms of appearance and acting skills. The relationship between the two of them in the play is also very interesting. At first Rong Xia was not interested in Ban Hua, but later she gradually took her to heart, so why does Rong Xia like Ban Hua? What's special about Ban Hua? Did they end up together?

Although Banhua has a bad reputation because she was divorced three times, she is actually a very kind girl. With a series of unknown secrets. When Rong Xia and Ban Hua first met, because of Rong Xia's lack of cooperation, Ban Hua was humiliated in front of a group of people who laughed at her. Ban Hua hated Rong Xia because of this, and the relationship between the two also bonded. Later, when Rong Xia learned that Banhua had the magical ability to predict the future through dreams, she deliberately approached Banhua, hoping that she would help her find out the truth about her family being wronged and destroyed.

At first, Rong Xia only wanted to use Ban Hua to achieve her own goals, but as the two got along, Rong Xia gradually got to know Ban Hua as a person, and her impression of Ban Hua gradually changed, and at the same time, she was attracted by Ban Hua's outspoken and kind-hearted love. With an attractive personality, Rong Xia was moved, and Ban Hua gradually fell in love with Rong Xia. Banhua regards Rong Xia as the most important person in this life. After expressing their hearts to each other, the two experienced many ups and downs together, and finally they came together. At the same time, Rong Xia also solved the secret about his life experience with the help of Banhua. Find out the truth about the family being wiped out that year.

Rong Xia and Ban Hua have gone through so many things. They both continue to grow and become better than before. At the same time, they also found the true love that belongs to each other. Seeing their final happy ending, the audience is very happy for them . The combination of Hou Minghao and Guan Xiaotong's handsome men and beautiful women has also attracted more and more netizens to come to watch. The TV series has not been updated yet, and everyone is looking forward to the next development of the plot.