


【英文介绍/For English】:

Episode 33 of "Changfengdu" Gu Jiusi was released from prison.

Ye Shi'an, Shen Ming and Ye Yun worshiped Liu Yuru's memorial tablet, Gu Jiusi was released from the imperial prison, returned to Gu Mansion, and walked into the hall in a daze. His face was bloodless and haggard, obviously he also knew that Liu Yuru drank poisonous wine to take the blame for himself. After Ye Shi'an reprimanded Gu Jiusi, he left angrily. Shen Ming was going to kill the Queen Mother, but Gu Jiusi told him to calm down, saying that Liu Yuru chose to die just to keep everyone alive. When Gu Jiusi saw Liu Yuru's body, he couldn't help crying, and Mu Nan took out the things Liu Yuru had left for Gu Jiusi during his lifetime. It was a rouge box, which was given to Liu Yuru by Gu Jiusi. The rouge had already been used up, and Liu Yuru left a letter for Gu Jiusi in the rouge box. In the letter, Liu Yuru asked Gu Jiusi to become a big tree to protect all people, not to be stupid, but to live a good life.