很多朋友对于晁然为什么退出娱乐圈 她饰演的洛枳是观众心中的白月光和不太懂,今天就由小编№轮回念她来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!





【英文介绍/For English】:

Hu Yitian and Hu Bingqing starred in the TV series "Creative Love in Orange in Huainan" finally launched. Many netizens have been waiting for a long time. After seeing Hu Bingqing's Luo Zhi, many people think of Chao Ran in "The Best of Us". Luo Zhi, when Chao Ran appeared on the stage, it can be said that everyone was amazed. Although she didn't have many roles and was a cameo, Chao Ran succeeded in winning everyone's love with her outstanding performance. Until now, there are still a large number of fans who still like Luo Zhi played by Chao Ran, but Chao Ran has quit the entertainment circle and is no longer engaged in the work of an actor. This makes people feel very puzzled, so why did Chao Ran quit the entertainment industry? circle? What is the special reason for this, let's find out together!

Back then, the TV series "The Best of Us" starring Liu Haoran and Tan Songyun was really very popular, and Luo Zhi who appeared in "The Best of Us" happened to be the heroine of "Creative Love in Oranges in Huainan". Therefore, in Hu One day after the release of "Secret Love in Orange in Huainan" starring Hu Bingqing, many viewers thought of Luo Zhi and Sheng Huainan in "The Best of Us". The name of the actress who played Luo Zhi in "The Best of Us" is Chao Ran. She quickly became popular because of playing this role and was well known by the public. Her stardom was originally bright, and she followed this role while the iron was hot and starred in a few more films. Chao Ran's popularity will definitely increase in film and television drama works, but Chao Ran did not do this. Instead, he chose to quit the entertainment circle and become an ordinary person. This also made everyone very curious, wondering why Chao Ran did this?

Chao Ran also explained why he made such a decision in the short video he shot. Chao Ran said that it is very difficult for an actress to receive a TV series that she likes very much before she becomes a top-ranking actress. Because the director will show you the scripts first, and these scripts are also arranged for you by the brokerage company. Regardless of the quality of the scripts or the role, you have to act, because you have no right to choose the script. Chao Ran was reprimanded and insulted by the assistant director on the phone because she rejected several scripts that were not suitable for her. The assistant director told Chao Ran directly that she had no right to choose the script, and asked Chao Ran, who do you think you are?

Moreover, Chao Ran also discovered many unspoken rules of the entertainment industry when he joined the filming group, such as the bathroom will be printed with a certain exclusive, and the director who talks fiercely to himself is very gentle with the top stars, etc., in the entertainment industry This kind of class is very obvious. Chao Ran doesn't like to work in such an atmosphere. In fact, she also liked being an actress at the beginning and wanted to work hard in the entertainment industry. But after seeing these things, Chao Ran still decisively left. Now Chao Ran lives as he pleases, has his own Taobao store, can do what he likes every day, and is busy with his beloved. Chao Ran finally has it and lives the life he wants.