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【英文介绍/For English】:

The movie "Hello Li Huanying" directed by Jia Ling will be released soon. This is Jia Ling's first time as a director, and she is also a starring role, which is very exciting. In addition to the plot, the cast is also of great concern to netizens. In addition to the joining of Chen He, Zhang Xiaofei and others, Shen Teng also appeared in this movie. So what is Shen Teng playing in "Hello Li Huanying"? What happened to the Internet saying that he went from a cameo role to a leading role?

It is reported that Shen Teng plays Shen Guanglin in the movie, who is the father of Jia Ling's character. This movie is adapted from Jia Ling's personal experience. When it came to the story of her parents when she was young, Jia Ling found that her parents were not together at that time. Jia Ling and her mother Li Huanying became best friends. After learning that Shen Guanglin had not chased her mother, she started On the way to assist.

And Shen Teng's performance in the movie is still very good. Jia Ling said in an interview before that Shen Teng originally came to this movie to support her as a director for the first time. Teng's guest roles continued to increase, and finally he became the lead actor. Shen Teng's road to becoming a leading actor is so dramatic. Netizens are also looking forward to this movie that has not yet been released. Everyone says that the movie that Shen Teng starred in must be very exciting, and Shen Teng also has a very good box office appeal in the field of comedy movies .

Jia Ling adapted "Hello Li Huanying" into a sketch before, and earned the audience's joy and tears in just ten minutes on stage. It’s a pity that it’s too late to accompany her. Now Jia Ling is bringing this story to the big screen. She has polished the script for three years and now presents it to the audience. Everyone believes that this is not only a comedy movie, but also a touching and tender one. story. Although the movie has not yet been released, countless netizens can't wait, hoping to see the feature film as soon as possible.