最近有很多热心网友都十分关心洛枳的日记本内容是什么 洛枳的日记本在哪里这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「爾ф氵曼埗」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。





【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Creative Love in Oranges Born in Huainan", Luo Zhi's notebook is an important clue. Luo Zhi is an introverted person, and she doesn't have many friends, so she confides all her thoughts in her diary. Later Luo Zhi's diary was lost, she was very nervous, the diary is very important to her, the contents inside cannot be seen by others. So what is the content of Luo Zhi's diary? Where is Luo Zhi's diary? Let's find out together!

It is reported that the most recorded in Luo Zhi's diary is his love for Sheng Huainan. Luo Zhi began to like Sheng Huainan a long time ago, but she didn't dare to tell Sheng Huainan her heart, so she could only write down her love for Sheng Huainan in her diary. Huainan is not only handsome, but also has very good academic performance. His personality is also very likable. It can be said that Sheng Huainan has gathered all the advantages. Luo Zhi was jealous of Sheng Huainan, but at the same time she couldn't help liking Sheng Huainan, Luo Zhi was very conflicted in her heart, she didn't know who to tell her emotions, so she could only write them down in her diary.

Moreover, although Luo Zhi likes Sheng Huainan, she has no intention of confessing. Luo Zhi wants to make herself better, and then attract Sheng Huainan to like her, and let him take the initiative to confess to her. Luo Zhi also wrote down her idea in It can be said that this diary contains too much of Luo Zhi's inner world, that's why she cares so much about the whereabouts of the diary after losing it.

Luo Zhi realized that the diary was lost and hurriedly searched for it, but she searched all the places she went, but did not find the whereabouts of the diary. In fact, Luo Zhi's diary had already been picked up by Ding Shuijing, and then under the instigation of Ye Zhanyan, Luo Zhi's diary was picked up. Handed the diary to Sheng Huainan. Ye Zhanyan originally wanted to use this method to frame Luo Zhi, but he didn't expect that Sheng Huainan would become interested in Luo Zhi because of this diary, and then gradually fell in love with Luo Zhi. Ye Zhanyan shot himself in the foot.