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【英文介绍/For English】:

The poverty alleviation drama "So Many Beautiful Mountains" starring Luo Jin and Yuan Shanshan will be broadcast soon. In the play, Luo Jin plays the leading actor Pu Quansheng. After seeing the poverty and backwardness of Wanmixi Village, he feels very sorry for the people here. , so I am going to use my own strength to help Wanmixi Village get rid of this situation. Many netizens are very curious, what is the ending of the TV series "The Country Is So Beautiful"? Pu Quansheng encountered many difficulties in the process of helping Wanmixi Village. Will he finally realize his wish to help Wanmixi Village get rid of poverty and become rich?

Pu Quansheng was originally the deputy mayor of Shixi Town, Biancheng County. When he came to Wanmixi Village, he saw that it was very poor, with few available resources and difficult transportation. In this state, the villagers have no ability to go out, nor can they change the current situation. They can only live in the village with difficulty, generation after generation. Pu Quansheng couldn't bear to see the villagers living so hard, so he decided to come to the village after careful consideration to help the people in Wanmixi Village get rid of poverty.

The superiors are also very optimistic about Pu Quansheng, he is down-to-earth, mature and stable, and the most important thing is that Pu Quansheng has a tenacity that refuses to admit defeat. And Pu Quansheng did not disappoint all those who were optimistic about him. Since he went to Wanmixi Village, the village gradually began to change, and the originally lifeless atmosphere also had a tinge of vitality and vitality. And Pu Quansheng also met his true love in this village. Sha Ou was originally the deputy director of the TV station. She also came here to help Wanmixi Village. became a partner.

There are many common topics between Pu Quansheng and Sha Ou, and they also have endless discussions about Wanmixi Village. In this way of getting along day after day, the two gradually fell in love with each other. Although they also encountered many difficulties on the way to help Wanmixi Village get rid of poverty, neither Pu Quansheng nor Sha Ou gave up. The spirit of the two inspired the villagers. Mixi Village was finally lifted out of poverty, and Pu Quansheng and Sha Ou also came together and had a happy ending.