



金南玲作为一名歌手,嗓音非常的清澈、动听,加上她拥有专业的音乐知识,她发表的《来生》、《J Sound》、《金曲奖》、《超级喜欢你》等音乐作品在网络上都拥有很高的热度。金南玲在小的时候就非常喜欢表演,后续还和朋友一起组建了乐队,在校园中演出的经历给其音乐创作之路奠定了基础。



【英文介绍/For English】:

What song is the song

Sadness is like a river against the current is the song "A River Against the Current", sung by Jin Nanling. The lyrics in the song "Come Against the Flow" "Whenever I think of the moment of separation, sadness flows against the river, who does the warmth you give belong to", which vividly writes the sadness, sadness and sadness of the lovelorn, coupled with Jin Nanling's sad voice , and add infinite sadness to the song, so that the listener can empathize more.

Liao Weizhi wrote the lyrics and composed music for the song "A River Against the Current", composed by Li Kaichou, and sung by Jin Nanling. The duration of the whole song is 2 minutes and 03 seconds. It is very short, but the sadness expressed in the song is very deep, especially the lovelorn story described in the lyrics, which is very realistic. The lyrics and the song name are closely linked, and it has infected many people.

As a singer, Jin Nanling has a very clear and beautiful voice. In addition, she has professional music knowledge. Her music works such as "Afterlife", "J Sound", "Golden Melody Award" and "Super Love You" have been published on the Internet. All have high heat. Jin Nanling liked performing very much when she was young, and later formed a band with her friends. The experience of performing on campus laid the foundation for her music creation.

Sing one after another love song to make love intoxicated what is the song

Singing love songs to make love intoxicated is "Lantana Flower Love Song". As a very popular square dance song on the Internet, the tune is very cheerful and infectious. It is deeply loved by the public and has aroused the popularity of the entire Internet. Lantana flower is a kind of flower that Yi people like very much.