



歌曲《困兽》作词杨默依、范丞丞,作曲范丞丞、David Wilson、Lexxi Saal,歌曲原唱是范丞丞,整首歌曲时长2分48秒,发行时间是2020年6月16日,这首原创歌曲,曲调很燃,舞台造型也很别致,造型也个性十足,能够看的出来范丞丞的诚意,在整首歌曲的表演中,范丞丞的表现很不错,那种挣扎、撕裂的痛感还有就是挣脱桎梏之后的自由,让人非常的喜欢。


《火星情报局》杨迪模仿小鬼范丞丞是2020年10月9日这期。杨迪在吐槽当代年轻人打招呼方式的时候,cue到了NINE PERCENT组合里的小鬼、范丞丞等人。

【英文介绍/For English】:

What song did Fan Chengcheng sing at the Universe Song Center?

Fan Chengcheng sang the song "Trapped Beast" in "Universe Song Center". "Sleepy Beast" is a song that Fan Chengcheng participated in composing and writing. In the program "Universal Song Center", Fan Chengcheng sang this song. The shape of the dark prince, coupled with the dancing and burning, the stage performance is very amazing. Beauty, combined with the lyrics "tear off this bound body, the blood instinct gradually surges, and the emotional fortress is about to be breached", gives people a vigorous and upward feeling.

"Universe Playing Song Center" is a music confrontation program. Contestants participating in the program will sing their new songs on the program, and then evaluate their own scores. The key is that you still have opponents, and you can feel the charm of music in two-two PK. In the program "Universal Playing Song Center", Fan Chengcheng brought his new song "Trapped Beast".

The song "Sleepy Beast" was written by Yang Moyi and Fan Chengcheng, and composed by Fan Chengcheng, David Wilson and Lexxi Saal. The original singer of the song is Fan Chengcheng. , the tune is very burning, the stage shape is also very unique, and the shape is also full of personality. You can see Fan Chengcheng's sincerity. In the performance of the whole song, Fan Chengcheng performed very well, the pain of struggling, tearing, and breaking free The freedom after the shackles is very enjoyable.

Which issue is Yang Di of the Mars Intelligence Agency imitating the little ghost Fan Chengcheng

"Mars Intelligence Agency" Yang Di imitates the little ghost Fan Chengcheng is the October 9, 2020 issue. When Yang Di was making complaints about the way contemporary young people greet each other, he cue to the little ghost, Fan Chengcheng and others in the group NINE PERCENT.