

1、《暗夜与黎明》里的肖云是女特务,她表面上温婉体贴,照顾郑兰亭的生活起居,实则深藏不露,在 关键时刻执行秘密任务。

2、肖云能力出众,是郑兰亭的弟子,负责潜伏 工作,其实她真实身份是女特务。




【英文介绍/For English】:

Who is Xiao Yun in Night and Dawn?

1. Xiao Yun in "Dark Night and Dawn" is a female spy. On the surface, she is gentle and considerate, taking care of Zheng Lanting's daily life, but in fact, she hides her secrets and performs secret missions at critical moments.

2. Xiao Yun has outstanding abilities. She is a disciple of Zheng Lanting and is responsible for the covert work. In fact, her true identity is a female spy.

3. Xiao Yun was foolish and loyal, thinking that he was Zheng Lanting's confidant and had deep feelings for Zheng Lanting. In the end, his identity was exposed.

Who is the prototype of Mao Sen in Dark Night and Dawn?

Mao Sen, played by Wang Jinsong in "Dark Night and Dawn", felt extraordinary as soon as he appeared. He has a high status in the Kuomintang. Some people are curious about who the prototype of Mao Sen is. Could it be Mao Renfeng?